PhD Students
Master in Biochemistry at the Institute of Biotechnology (IBT). National Autonomous University of Mexico (February 2017- December 2018).
Bachelor of biology, National Autonomous University of Mexico (2011-2016). Exchange student University of Lausanne (February 2015-July 2015) Lausanne, Switzerland
bioprocesses with Escherichia coli modified by metabolic engineering for the production of pyruvic
acid from glucose and xylose in continuous cultures¨ (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Biotechnology Institute January 2017-December 2018).
coelicolor) by means of a colorimetric test monitored by a spectrophotometer" carried out at the
Biomedical Research Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico August 2015-March 2016.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis" (2014-2016), Biomedical research institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico
Coca-Cola scholarship for academic excellence for an exchange program at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland (February-July 2015).
Postgraduate studies support program (PAEP) scholarship to attend the XXXII National Congress of Biochemistry.